วันศุกร์ที่ 3 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Authentic Chanel Handbags - How Do You Know?

The best way to identify a Chanel handbag is to never bother to look at one which is offered to you cheaply. There is no way in the world that a Chanel handbag or indeed any other designer handbag is going to cost you next to nothing, so just don't waste your time.

Here are a few tips to make sure that the Chanel bag you are looking at is a real Chanel bag and not some dreadful fake.

Online Handbags

If the logo has to 'n's as in Channel that is also a bad sign, a lot of fake goods producers have no idea what they are making and most can't even speak English so the words 'Chanel or  'Channel' mean nothing to them in fact you might think we are kidding but we are not there have been thousands of fake Chanel handbags produced in the far east bearing the logo Channel - mmh nice.

Authentic Chanel Handbags - How Do You Know?

Always check that the bag has a providence card, each Chanel handbag has its very own, and the identification number on the card is reproduced discreetly inside the handbag. The identification numbers have to match if they don't then you have a fake on your arm.

If there is an identification number inside the handbag and it matches the one on the card then start to look closely and carefully at the bag its self because so far you are handling an original.

Always be aware of replica Chanel handbags, replica manufacturers make perfect replicas these days and these replicas almost always come not only with the providence card with an identification number printed on it but that same identification number will appear inside the bag and the bag itself will come with cotton protective bag just like the original.

Take a close look at the logo it will of course be two interlocking 'C's' for Coco Chanel, then at the stitching, a lot can be learned about the manufacture of a bag from the stitching. Chanel bags for example use a concealed broad stitch which reinforces as it stitches, if you can see the thread your original is not an original.

After you have looked at the logo and the stitching and made sure that you are happy with them then move on to the straps of the handbag. If the bag is an original Chanel handbag then the word 'Chanel' will be embossed or engraved somewhere along the length of the strap, look closely because models vary. If the embossing or engraving is not apparent then there is every chance that the bag you are looking at is a fake.

A good tip for spotting a fake Chanel is to look carefully at the zipper tongue, the metal strip that is used to pull the zip open and to close it, original Chanel handbags have a logo engraved on one side and the word Chanel on the obverse again if these are missing you are holding a fake Chanel handbag.

Lastly and by no means the least important thing to do is to check the patterns on the bag, an original Chanel handbag's pattern will not suddenly stop and start the pattern will be regular and seamless and will flow naturally over pockets so that when you look at the bag from a distance it is as if the pocket isn't there.

Chanel handbags are expensive for a reason and that is because they are well made and the people making them have an eye for detail and an unerring attention to it, Chanel hand bags are exclusive and expensive for a reason.

Authentic Chanel Handbags - How Do You Know?P!nk - Just Give Me A Reason ft. Nate Ruess Video Clips. Duration : 4.05 Mins.


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