วันอังคารที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Handbags Online - Are Fake Designer Handbags Illegal?

When I decided to move into e-commerce from wholesale manufacturing, I felt that my background in fashion bags. In looking for a designer manufacturer, I received 79 offers from factories making designer handbags. All were from China, except one, and made fake high end designer handbags. Fake is not what I was looking for. I chose an American designer who manufactures his own line.

But, what about all these fake handbags? I got these offers in just two days. Could they be legal? The answer is yes and no. High end designers may be granted a design patent on the uniqueness of an article which prevents others from making exact copies. However they are not prevented from using a similar look or style. Fake handbags that try to take advantage of a hot style may come close to the original without violating the law. Fake handbags that are difficult to tell from the original probably are violating the law. This is predicated on a design patent being issued.

Online Handbags

now lets look at the trademark issue. A fake handbag that copies a trademarked logo or pattern is in violation of the law, even if the bag is not a copy. If you want a fake bag, there are plenty of places to get them. If you want an original, great, but avoid the fraudulent fakes which could result in criminal activity.

Handbags Online - Are Fake Designer Handbags Illegal?

I market a line of Designer handbags. Not the unique, high end designer handbag, but a legitimate authentic US designer. If you Google designer handbags, you will see a number of designer handbag sites. I visited a few sites, and there are authentic designer sites, and there are high fashion bags, but be careful of the too-good-to-be-true sites. Great deals on designer and fashion handbags are available through liquidators buying clearance lots from department store inventory reduction, and return goods inventory. Liquidators sell lots at auction to retailers. The retailers can then sell the inventory, and quite often online, at greatly reduced prices, and still be authentic. Some may be returns, some may be shelf inventory, and some may be warehouse over-stock, but they will all be identified as such, and they will all be authentic. This is a legitimate method major department stores use to clear space for a new line, or the spring collection.

Be assured, that great deals are out there on high fashion designer bags, but a little caution should be used to avoid having the "I just got scammed into buying a knockoff" blues. Be as skeptical online as you would be on the street corner.

Are fake designer handbags illegal? The answer is still maybe yes, maybe no, but now you have another tool to make an informed decision.

Handbags Online - Are Fake Designer Handbags Illegal?Rihanna - Stay ft. Mikky Ekko Tube. Duration : 4.13 Mins.

Download "Stay" from Unapologetic now: smarturl.it Music video by Rihanna performing Stay ft. Mikky Ekko. © 2013 The Island Def Jam Music Group


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วันเสาร์ที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Wholesale Handbags - Best Online Business

Doing the business of wholesale handbags is the best option. That is why there are many different wholesale manufacturers, distributors and bag warehouses. You will find a pool of websites that are working in the field of selling wholesale handbags. These bags are important from many different countries like China, India, France, Italy, Thailand, Philippines, etc.

There are different types of handbags available in different colors and shapes. You will find handbags for both genders and also for children. Not only this, all the handbags are branded. They are of one or other brand.

Online Handbags

The different styles in handbags available are Giraffe print handbags, Zebra print handbags, Small sized bags, Medium sized bags, Large sized bags, Totes, Hobos, Duffels, Clutches and Messenger bags. You will also find many different types of diaper bags like Ju-Ju-Be, Fleurville, OiOi diaper bags, Go GaGa, Kalencom and The bumble collection. You will find genuine leather bags, Wallets and coin purses and many other accessories.

Wholesale Handbags - Best Online Business

There are many different colors that you will find in these wholesale handbags and other accessories like Black, Brown, Camel, Red, Purple, Blue, Gunmetal/Grey, White, Green/Olive, Yellow, Tan/Beige, Fuschia/Pink, Orange, Gold and Silver. The handbags and other accessories in different colors are available in the price range from below .99 to 0. There is also a clearance sale. In this sale you will find wholesale handbag in unbeatable prices.

The other accessories available are Cellace, ID holders, Make-up bags, Purse hooks, Purse lights, Purse organizers and Sunglass case. Different brands available are Anteprima-Nueve, Big Buddha, BLVD, Bodhi, Clipa, Diva collection, Ebisu, Emperia, Fleurville diaper bags, Go gaga diaper bags, Imoshion, Jessica simpson, Jujube diaper bags, Kalencom diaper bags, Love the earth, Luxe link, Melie bianco, Nan, Nicole lee, Nila Anthony, Oioi diaper bags, PurseN, Rough roses, Roxbury, Sabina (New York), Sondra Roberts, Steve madden, Street level, The bumble collection, Tylie Malibu, Urban collections and Vieta.

There are separate columns for new arrivals and the best sellers. You will find wholesale bags for men, women and children. You can opt to buy handbags from internet. Just search on Google about the sites that sell different type of branded handbags. Choose a trusted site and make a personalized choice. The main advantage of buying a handbag from internet is that you will get it just by sitting at home and also at great price.

There is a great advantage of online stores. Retail store owners cannot build customer relationship so easily as that of online store owners. The main reason is that whole world buys things from and online store and what they want more than getting a branded thing just by sitting at home. Also they can do personalizes shopping. You will get all the details from internet.

Opening a wholesale handbags online store is the best option. It is one thing that gives you handsome income. This is because fashion bags are the first option that they choose.

Wholesale Handbags - Best Online BusinessRihanna - Stay ft. Mikky Ekko Tube. Duration : 4.13 Mins.

Download "Stay" from Unapologetic now: smarturl.it Music video by Rihanna performing Stay ft. Mikky Ekko. © 2013 The Island Def Jam Music Group


Recommend : Need Money Now

วันพุธที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Wholesale Handbags Online Business - Creating the Best Website For Wholesale Handbags

Sophisticated women always wanted to have a matching handbag with her as her accessory, in which they use to place their makeup kits, whenever a girl's night out is on or even on daily basis, like going to work or for school. handbags are made in different sizes, colors and brands. It all depends on the preference of the user if she will go for a tiny bag or a big one, or sometimes women go for the brands, the durability since it is something that is conveniently carries all you want anytime you want.

now thinking of having the best wholesale handbag website? It should be simple, while selling in bulk. And you have to make sure that every item in your wholesale handbag product line catalogue is personally and carefully chosen. It should adhere to what we have for the fashion bags. Like when customers come to visit your site, will have to directly make orders, because of the variety choices being given.

Online Handbags

What matters most for women who are looking for the best handbag wholesaler is not only suiting the needs of its client but the personality that the product can create and more importantly the price. As much as possible we would allow our clients not to have the desired handbag they wanted, not the cost of much like bag can rule your client's decision. Your website should always be ready for an alternative action.

Wholesale Handbags Online Business - Creating the Best Website For Wholesale Handbags
Wholesale Handbags Online Business - Creating the Best Website For Wholesale HandbagsLil Wayne - Love Me (Explicit) ft. Drake, Future Video Clips. Duration : 4.43 Mins.

Music video by Lil Wayne performing Love Me (Explicit). © 2013 Cash Money Records Inc., under exclusive license to Universal Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc


See Also : รถมือสอง

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Handbags Online

handbags online is the source for all sorts of great deals and bargains that could never be found in your normal local outlet store. You are able to find all types, brands, sizes and colours of handbags online from any part of the world. Today we are living in a society that everything is online, you can even do your grocery shopping online in certain cities and so too can you order the latest handbags at affordable prices. Not only can you find the latest fashion bags but it is also easier to find vintage handbags and handmade handbags online.

There are literally thousands of websites that either sell handbags alone or sell a variety of women's accessories. You are given better bargains, more choices and not to mention save some time when shopping for handbags online. Outlet stores are only able to have in storage a certain amount of things and that is why you see the online market as having a wider selection to choose from. It is also easier to visit a few websites and compare prices and styles and see which are more suitable for your own personal fashion bags you can literally find hundreds of deals in a matter of minutes, much faster as if you were to go store to store searching. All you need to do is click on the mouse a few times and get amazing deals on the best of handbags.

Online Handbags

There are literally no downfalls when shopping for handbags online. Everything is more convenient and exciting online except for the fact that you cannot physically touch them. While the sense of touch is removed they make up for it in other ways. Besides searching yourself you can also read user reviews and detailed descriptions of any handbag that you may be interested in. in the online market you can also buy handmade handbags that are not native to your country.

Handbags Online

Many times you find women who are seeking something more original and something that is not a common sight. Often time's women buy handmade handbags from Africa and the Caribbean because of their rich culture and love for colours. The online market has no limits and endless possibilities that provide every woman no matter their location with the opportunity to purchase handbags from any part of the world, ranging from cheap to amazingly expensive and from the most famous designer to someone unknown.

The list can go on and on about handbags online but once certain requirements are met it does not really matter. When it boils down it is a better way to shop, a more convenient way to access hundreds more variations of handbags for fractions of the regular cost, giving you more options to purchase different handbags to go with different outfits. For any woman a handbag is meant to flow with an outfit and in no way stand out either by itself or by the outfit you are wearing and with the help of the online database for handbags you can accomplish just that.

Handbags OnlineSupercars in the snow - Audi R8, Bentley Continental GT Speed, Porsche 911, Jaguar XKR-S Tube. Duration : 3.55 Mins.

What do you do when your best laid plans to test supercars go awry because the snow? Drive them anyway, of course. Steve Sutcliffe pits his wits at the wheel of some of some fast cars in the very worst conditions. Full reviews at www.autocar.co.uk


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วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

The new sony Ps 3 Console - Go through the 4th Generation Now

Searching for an excellent easy setup gaming console while taking pleasure in stunning graphics? Then, the The new sony Ps 3 Console is exactly what you'll need. This is actually the 4th generation available and lots of customers who've loved the Xbox 360, say that in comparison towards the Ps 3 there's just NO comparison. With this particular gaming console anticipate to get of the great ride that you may have a difficult time to place lower. This new 160GB was constructed with new mix multimedia features which are getting this generation entertainment device to a different level.

Here are the wonderful features of the gaming console:

Play Station

You'll have a full HD experience because of 128-bit pixel precision and 1080p resolution that can make your skills available in amazement. You'll take advantage of a mix connectivity together with your PC network and Ps with pre-installed 160GB hard disc drive which enables you to definitely save games and download content from the web.

The new sony Ps 3 Console - Go through the 4th Generation Now

Additionally, you will have the ability to benefit from the great ability to mix the energy from the system's processor and graphic cards for endless multimedia content aside from the top quality games. This Ps includes BD live support permitting you to definitely play dvds that support Blu-ray Disc Profile 2., causing you to attached to the internet while playing. Furthermore is this fact gaming console supports Compact disc-ROM, Compact disc-RW, DVD, DVD-ROM and DVD+R formats.

How about the controller?

It is really an using this world controller which supplies probably the most intuitive play knowledge about pressure sensors and highly sensitive motion realizing technology. Full vibration sensations as if you are immediately. This new generation is really a slimmer and lighter system with internet built-in Wi-Fi, 2 USB port and High-definition multimedia interface.

What's incorporated inside your package?

Bravia SynchDualshock 3 wireless controllerAC energy cord, Audio-video and USB cablesFree Ps Network membership960 wealthy, immersive gamesOver 70 of the favorite movies27,400 tunes that you should rock toA lot more than 19,000 photos taking your most valued reminiscences

The new sony Ps 3 Console - Go through the 4th Generation NowRihanna - Stay ft. Mikky Ekko Tube. Duration : 4.13 Mins.

Download "Stay" from Unapologetic now: smarturl.it Music video by Rihanna performing Stay ft. Mikky Ekko. © 2013 The Island Def Jam Music Group


Tags : I Need Money Now Need Cash Now

วันพุธที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Free Kids' Games

With children today getting increasingly more Internet savvy, it is just natural they search for the things they like best - great entertainment by means of games. But a few of these games require kids to join up and pay a regular monthly fee to be able to have the ability to play them. And also, since most kids do not have considerations that might be enough to cover such services, they have a tendency to search for free options.

For a lot of parents, playing computer games may appear to become a total waste of time for his or her children. However with the best supervision and also the right games to experience, computer games might not simply be fun, but educational too. If parents search the internet completely, they might discover that educational computer games for children as youthful as 3 to 4 years of age already are available.


You will find even online games which are already readily available for children. Games in which the colors of various blocks are matched up with one another are highly suited to kids old three or more. These games not just stimulate their eyes but additionally their brains. The very best suited games for children five or more are games which involve amounts and shapes.

Free Kids' Games

Finding games on the web that could attract children is simple. By keying in what they are called of popular kiddy symbols, your research results will end up being enjoyable games that permit your children to experience their most favorite fantasy figures.

There's several computer games online that could attract the tastes of you and your kids. From popular classical games, to present day favorite arcade games, you will find the choice regarding which your child can enjoy.

The end result is that, as a parent, you've are responsibility for which your children are playing. Rather than depriving them of these encounters, be encouraging, and take part in the things they're doing. In so doing, explore only monitor your child, you are also investing time together.

Free Kids' GamesP!nk - Just Give Me A Reason ft. Nate Ruess Tube. Duration : 4.05 Mins.

From the Grammy Nominated album The Truth About Love available now - smarturl.it Music video by P!nk featuring Nate Ruess performing Just Give Me A Reason. (C) 2012 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment


Friends Link : กระเป๋าแฟชั่นเกาหลี

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

The Very Best Games for Ps 3 (PS3)

Every Ps 3 owner should have some assortment of their most favorite games however they have question that do you know the best PS3 games ever launched for that system. Thinking about all individuals players need and seeking to satisfy their curiosity we're here mentioning some significantly acclaimed best games.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns from the Patriots

Play Station

Third person shooter Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns from the Patriots is stealth action game produced by Kojima Productions. Guns from the Patriots is among the best game for that season if this was launched and significantly acclaimed best game form some leading gaming guides because it was examined as technically perfect game. This PS3 games commanding story causes it to be memorable together with a large number of collectables and a lot of incorporated personalization options.

The Very Best Games for Ps 3 (PS3)

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Naughty Dog developed memorable game Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and released by The new sony Computer Entertainment. Farmville was presented when Ps 3 proprietors were highly disappointed in the other released games. Drake's Fortune was the messiah of this year by submerging you within the superior game play in which you will found yourself within the footwear of Nathan Drake finishing mission, falling deeply in love with her girl Elena as the treasure hunting journey from the story.

Grand Thievery Auto IV

Grand Thievery Auto IV comes from the experience-adventure genre third person shooter sandbox style game produced by RockStar North. GTA IV is greatly appreciated game getting amazing mission, where you're going to get experience you won't ever had before in almost any other number of GTA while running from cops, attempting to save your valuable buddies. Game plot is planned in New You are able to City's highly up-to-date city Liberty City, where Niko Bellic found fulfill his dream but get involved with criminal gangs. This Ps 3 game is the greatest GTA series together with intense chase that will increase your gaming experience.

Fallout 3

Fallout 3 is definitely an action role playing game produced by Bethesda Game Galleries and significantly appreciated game getting extremely great graphics. This single player game may be the third a part of Fallout series and plot is produced within the Washington D.C. where player's character joined after his father vanishes under some suspicious conditions, than he instructed to avoid Vault. Game elements are very well planned getting combat technical issues that are highly sufficient and proves it among the best game play for PS3 system.

Red-colored Dead Redemption

RockStar games have good good reputation for well carrying out game development and making the conventional high each time on their own. Red-colored Dead Redemption can also be among the best blown-away productions among all PS3 games produced by them. This course of action adventure western third person shooter open world game is really a classic masterpiece getting wider game scope and size with tremendous graphical representation.

The Very Best Games for Ps 3 (PS3)► W Motors Lykan Hypercar - First Arabian Supercar Video Clips. Duration : 4.65 Mins.

W Motors unveils the Lykan Hypercar at the Qatar Motor Show 2013. The Lycan is provided of a Flat 6 twin-turbo 750 Horsepower (395 km/h / 245 mph) and features a holographic display, an ID4 motion dashboard and uniquely designed seats. Adding a touch of modern luxury with the integration of the most refined and luxurious materials both inside and outside, the Lykan comes with gold-stitched interiors, a 24/7 concierge service and a patented design Cyrus Klepcys watch, that has been dedicated to Lykan owners only. The limited edition Lykan is priced at 3.4 million Dollars making it one of the most exclusive and exquisite cars in the world. ► www.facebook.com


Recommend : กระเป๋าแฟชั่น

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Which Gaming System is the greatest - Xbox 360, Ps, Or Wii?

Do you want to know which gaming system is the greatest? The simple truth is both have something to provide, including systems more effective compared to typical desktop computer. Which is better is dependent on the most important thing for you.

Each system includes different games, even though some games overlap. Still, if you prefer a family-friendly system you will need to take a look at which system has the greatest number of games for various age range, including individuals for more youthful children.

Play Station

But when you're looking for a gaming console, take a look at these details.

Which Gaming System is the greatest - Xbox 360, Ps, Or Wii?

Ps 3 has Blu-ray technology. Xbox 360 360 continues to have a DVD media format, although for some time there is discuss Microsoft being released having a Blu-ray add-on.

Presently, however, there's a large fight happening between Microsoft using their HD-DVD format and The new sony Ps 3's Blu-ray. A current decision by Blockbuster to stock only Blu-ray movies in over 1,400 of the stores provides a tremendous push to Blu-ray technology.

To increase the Blu-ray/HD-DVD war Target has stated it will simply sell Blu-ray disc gamers within their stores this holidays.

What's this likely to do in order to Microsoft and Xbox 360 360? Microsoft is fighting back by cutting prices. While Ps applies to about 0, Microsoft has drastically reduced the cost of the Xbox 360 360 HD-DVD player to under 0. Microsoft is attempting very difficult to turn the tide towards HD-DVD. They will not surrender with no fight.

How about Wii? While Ps and Xbox 360 concentrate on better graphics and challenge each other over what new technology will win, what's happening to Nintendo's Wii?

Manufacturers went another route than The new sony and Microsoft, apparently disregarding the war within the best graphics and rather concentrating on supplying fun. now you ask ,, will that be sufficient to seize a large enough business to remain in the overall game. To date the reply is yes.

The end result is if you would like the most effective graphics you need to decide between Ps 3 and Xbox 360 360. It may be easier to wait some time longer and find out which will win. If Blu-ray eventually ends up being released in front of HD-DVD, then possibly Xbox 360 will come forth with a Blu-ray add-on.

If you do not look after the most real graphics, Manufacturers Wii combines great cost with very exciting. Also, the motion-sensitive remotes are unequalled. Reviews declare that playing Wii is much more realistic and refreshing. The controller, known as Nunchuks, senses hands actions on 3d.

Before buying these, make sure to check which game titles are for sale to each system.

At this time Xbox 360 has some good games including: Halo, World incompatible, Cod 3 and 4, Requirement for Speed Prostreet, and lots of, a lot more. Ps 3 has Transformers, Pirates from the Caribbean, Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 Las vegas, and much more.

So which if you undertake? Again, it may be better to wait a while. If you cannot wait, Xbox 360 seems to achieve the most games, while offering an excellent cost. Whichever you select, you will have fun.

Which Gaming System is the greatest - Xbox 360, Ps, Or Wii?Dog walking on 2 legs Video Clips. Duration : 0.92 Mins.

This is my dog Lou walking on two legs after we put boots on him. Classic. Sorry for the shakiness, i was concentrating on Lou not my recording. Thanks for watching. www.youtube.com facebook.com/lou.fistori


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วันจันทร์ที่ 4 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Luau Party Ideas: Invites, Designing, Games, Activities, Food

Need suggestions for a Luau Party? In the following paragraphs you'll find suggestions for the invites, adornments, games & activities, and food recommendations for your luau theme party. This can be a fun party for just about any age adult or perhaps a child. The Luau is easily the most popular summer time theme party. You may make yours as basic or elaborate as you desire. Luau is really a fun party for that pool or beach.

The Invites
Begin with fun invites. Place a homemade invitation in a tiny bottle together with just a little sand. Hands provide the invites about two days prior to the party. Request your guest to put on colorful casual clothing appropriate for any luau. Greet your guest in the door with colorful leis.


Designing Ideas
Designing for any luau party is simple! Most luau parties are held outdoors, but when you're getting yours inside, just apply the ideas. Probably the most important adornments is tiki lamps. These may be by means of a garland or lights, depending when the party is incorporated in the day or during the night. Other adornments may include: scene setters, ceiling danglers, inflatable palms (or plenty of large plants), artificial flowers, ocean shells, pinata, luau theme balloons, and a lot of colorful balloons. Also have Hawaiian music playing softly without anyone's knowledge to create the atmosphere.

Luau Party Ideas: Invites, Designing, Games, Activities, Food

Decorate each table having a tiki candle along with a couple of ocean shells. The meals table will appear really awesome having a raffia table skirt. Your paper dinnerware inside a luau theme, matched up with solids, can produce a striking decoration by itself. An enjoyable idea would be to wrap utensils inside a napkin and employ an inexpensive set of shades because the napkin ring.

Party games & Activities
Luau party games & activities must always incorporate a limbo contest! What is a luau with out them? If you possess the assets, provide a few hula skirts for any hula contest. In case your visitors prefer to dance, play beach music and also have a shag dance! Another fun idea is really a hula ring contest. How lengthy has it been because you performed having a hula ring? These are typically simple to find in almost any discount store at the start of the summer time season, so you will have to get yours early.

Food Suggestions
Things to eat? Make it simple. Prepare shish kabobs around the grill, a fruit and cheese tray, crackers, chips, along with other simple meals. If cash is tight, possess a pot luck luau! Remember the lovable little drink picks and pina coladas in coconut cups!

In summary, decorate with tiki lamps and/or garlands, balloons, candle lights, along with other luau theme adornments. Make use of a raffia table skirt, tiki candle, ocean shells, and luau theme dinnerware to brighten your table. Following a simple meal along with a pina colada, enjoy activities for example limbo and hula hoops. Discover who are able to dance the very best hula to Blue Hawaii! A luau ought to be an enjoyable party with lots of time for you to relax and socialize. I really hope these ideas can help you possess the perfect luau party!

Luau Party Ideas: Invites, Designing, Games, Activities, FoodJustin Bieber - Boyfriend (Acoustic) (Live) Tube. Duration : 4.25 Mins.

Buy Now! iTunes: smarturl.it Music video by Justin Bieber performing Boyfriend (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group


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วันศุกร์ที่ 1 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

How To Download A New Playstation 2 Game

Do you want a new PlayStation 2 game? Buying games from your local shop can be expensive and a lot of the time new games can be sold out. Is there a way to download a brand new PlayStation 2 game off the net? And is it legal? You can of course download torrents but this is illegal and can result in you getting caught. So whats the alternative?

There are sites where you pay a monthly fee and join a P2P (person to person) network. You can then download new PlayStation 2 games from other people on the network. But when that person signs out your game stops downloading. Not good! But there are sites where you pay a small one time fee and get access to there database of games forever.

Play Station

Is it ethical? Most of the time the sites will pay royalties for the games your downloading and still have cheap downloads because you are the burning them onto CD or DVD yourself. PS2 (playstation 2) games are the easiest to get hold of and download as the games are a lot easier to download and burn.

How To Download A New Playstation 2 Game

So which is the best to use? Some sites are better than others and keep there database of games up to date whenever new games come out. Where as some sites will take your fee off you only for you to find that the games on the site are years old. Have a good look at the site before parting with your money. You'll see which ones are legit.

There are sites that also have games on other platforms (Xbox, Nintendo) along with movie and song downloads available as well as brand new PlayStation 2 games.

How To Download A New Playstation 2 GameDepeche Mode - Heaven Tube. Duration : 4.03 Mins.

Pre-order Delta Machine now: Smarturl.it - Available March 26. "Heaven" available now: smarturl.it Director: Tim Saccenti Music video by Depeche Mode performing Heaven. (c) 2013 Venusnote Ltd., under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment


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